Helping Communities Shine

Whether researching and implementing ways to shape a community's economic development plan or partnering to create ways to put people to work, CREC connects researchers and policymakers with:

     • Data training
     • Custom portfolios that aid regional competitiveness

Project Profile

Talent Forecast Workforce Skills Assessment and Plan 2018-2019

Start Date: Aug 2018 — End Date: Apr 2019

CREC and the Institute for Decision Making are implementing a six-step process to assess the workforce and provide a strategic plan for enhancing the talent available in a 10-county region of northeastern Minnesota and northwestern Wisconsin. The process focuses on addressing challenges associated with the region’s (1) general talent availability and (2) targeted skills gaps. The goal of the workforce analysis is to identify a limited group of challenges and develop strategies that meet those needs.

Research & Planning

About the Client


APEX is a private sector-led business development engine established to promote sustainable growth in the APEX region. APEX investor-members represent many of the largest and most influential organizations in the region with a vested interest in business attraction, expansion and retention. APEX business and economic development efforts focus on areas including aviation, technology, manufacturing, professional […]